Line Editing
I'll check the style, clarity, and effectiveness of your manuscript's language, line by line, from pacing to flow to dialogue. $.007/wd.
Query Letter Critique
I'll evaluate your query letter for correct format, an effective hook, proper spelling and grammar, and overall success. $25.
Copy Editing
I'll evaluate the consistency of your manuscript, including style, grammar, and spelling. $.007/wd.
Submission Package Critique
I'll evaluate your manuscript's query letter and synopsis for correct format, proper spelling and grammar, conciseness, and overall effectiveness. $40. May be added to any other service.
This service evaluates errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation only. Not a substitution for copy editing. $.003/wd. May be added to any other service.
Developmental Editing
This is a detailed, deep look over your entire manuscript, making sure grammar, spelling, punctuation, readability, continuity, flow, and style are at the highest quality manageable. $.012/wd.